Hi Guys

Here is a quick update on the status of Mobile Giving:

   - We have a 3 month period to run pilot and validate if this tool works
   for us - Cost $300


   - Get read to go by end of Month
   - Use Gnome 2.3 release as the launching pad for this campaign
   - Focus on users not just developers to donate
   - Make a list of conferences that we can target
      - BUT - We dont always want to solicit evelopesr
      - How can we get our developers to spread the message - get ur folks
      to TRY Gnome or friends to TRY Gnome
   - What other options do we have

Marketing in General:

   - We can hire some Business School interns (I can supervise Univ of
   Chicago & North Western interns) - and they can be had for Free to develop
   Marketing strategy as well as campaigns.
      - Get some creative idea
      - Someone to do the work

What Next:

   - Need volunteer(s) - who can help with any aspect of this project esp:
   - Coming up with catchy phrases for campaigns
   - Developing banners & places to post them
   - Any one with a wild idea :)

Take a look at the product, make any wild suggestions.

Best Regards
marketing-list mailing list

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