On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 01:19:20PM +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> Koen and Sanne, the people leading GUADEC organisation this year, are
> having a lot of trouble finding people who are motivated and available
> to ensure that the GUADEC website is up to scratch, looking pretty and
> appetising, and with relevant content easy to find.
> First, have a look at http://www.guadec.org to see what the state of
> play is - it's a standard OpenConferenceWare set-up, from what I can
> tell, with very little styling or graphical content.
> Some suggested improvements which could get done quickly would be to
> start announcing keynotes for this year, or advertising past speakers &
> keynotes (photos and content), creating a GUADEC logo for this year's
> conference (or at the very least, revisiting the old one which has been
> in use since 2006), and proposing an alternative layout & styling which
> better matches GNOME's visual identity.
> Are there people here who have some time over the next couple of weeks
> to help them? I'm not sure where the CMS is installed, or what would be
> involved in getting changes made to it, but let's do what we can to
> improve the site and allow the GUADEC organisers to concentrate on the
> business of making the conference great.

Ehrmz, people are working on this. There is a new design, ready to go online.
There's 3 people already on the web team.

If anyone is interested in helping out, sure that'd be great. But the above
text is perhaps a bit misleading.


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