Hi Guys

I may be a little late with my post but I think we still have time to act on
a few things I feel maybe important.

If you guys want I can post them in wiki - but it would help if some
decision were made on the mail list.

*Goals: *
Meet with local government to create long term partnership
*My comments:*

   - I see the agenda more in terms of presentations, will this lead to a
   long term engagement
      - What is our goal from this engagement - do we want a long term one
      and if so how do we convey that.
      - Can we dig a little into their motivations before we even show up in
   Spain - happy to take the lead if you can put me in touch with the right
   contact (or I can dig)
      - Do they want Gnome - *where, how and why*

Meet with local users

   - Should we use this opportunity to develop these users (not developers)
   into our cheerleaders
   - And then this pilot can be scaled to other hackfests & conferences
   - I feel this could enhance your vision of getting users involved (from
   donations to any other engagement)
   - *How - I have no clue?*
   - *Is this even our goal or am I on a different tangent?

Gnome 3 Videos: (its very possible - its already been discussed - I did not
show up for some of the meetings)

   - I was looking at: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeThreeBrainstorming
   - Would it be worth spending some time and writing down our: ( I can help
   with this and that is what I call Integrated Marketing Strategy)
   - Strategy for Gnome 3 - yes its cool and nice
      - then what do we want to achieve with the campaign surrounding it?
      - then what is our marketing strategy
      - then we make a list of videos we need

GNOME Message

   - We have a lot of them on
   http://live.gnome.org/GnomeMarketing/CoreMessage - and yes they are all
   - I'd suggest we develop our USP - Unique Selling proposition

Established relationships with local government

   - Can we define it further - have specific goals e.g. get Zaragoza govt
   to install Ubuntu with Gnome on 1000 PCs by end of 2010 (I am just saying)
   - OR give away CDs in schools

Attendance from our downstream partners

   - Can we define it

Please comment

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