I'm not actually going to OSCON.  I will, however, be at the Community
Leadership Summit over the weekend prior to OSCON.  (Wearing my openSUSE
hat for that weekend.)  However, I plan to walk around the exhibits at
OSCON on Monday and then sneak in to check out the Teaching Open Source
BoF that night.  

Then I'll be heading to Las Vegas Tuesday afternoon for another event
(this on top of being in Hartford, CT the day before CLS).

I'd love the chance to meet up with you and others at some point during
my all-too-brief stay in Portland.


On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 20:06 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> This is what I get for answering email while drinking wine:
> Let me rephrase:
> I have done the GNOME booth at OSCON for the first 3 years of OSCON,
> but I haven't done it after that because I find that the audience is
> very web/LAMP based.  The desktop is not really of interest for a lot
> of people.  The audience are more interested in applications that use
> cloud software, cloud software, databases, and system stuff and the
> like.  Plus I find the whole schmooze thing kind of tedious and while
> I'm a champion schmoozer I actually need material that people would
> actually find interest.
> In the futuer, we want to target Open Source Bridge which is truly a
> good general purpose conference since it can tackle a lot of different
> topics.  It is a lot smaller unfortunately.  There is also Northwest
> Linuxfset I think in Seattle, but that is done already.  Linuxfest
> folks showed interest in having a track on GNOME but I was not able to
> find the time to set something up.
> Back to OSCON, the only thing I have planned is an evening with local
> OSS folks with Stormy.  Although her time is somewhat limited I hope
> to have one short evening so that she can get to know the local
> fokls.  We have some local GNOME folks (or rather some ex GNOME folks)
> and a crap load of kernel developers and Mozilla folks.  We have a
> good time. :)  (ask the ubuntu folks!)  It might also be a good time
> to discuss strategy in marketing if we want to do that.  Are you local
> or an attendee?  If there is interest I can set up a BOF..  but a
> booth I think is a waste of time.
> Thanks,
> sri
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <s...@ramkrishna.me>
> wrote:
>         I could volunteer.. I used to do the OSCON booth.. GNOME3
>         stuff might be cool.  Not sure if there is enough time to
>         setup a vendor booth though.  Stormy will be there and I was
>         going to set up an evening with local OSS folks here in
>         Portland, that's the only thing I've planned.
>         In general, I stopped doing it because the audience is really
>         geared towards LAMP and I find the hype tedious.  I much
>         rather schmooze (which is what OSCON is good for)  Are you
>         local?  What do you prefer?
>         sri
>         On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Larry Cafiero
>         <larry.cafi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 Hi, folks --
>                 Is there going to be any GNOME presence at OSCON, and
>                 if so, who gets the event box and banner?
>                 Thanks.
>                 Larry Cafiero
>                 --
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