Jason D. Clinton wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 15:10, Jason D. Clinton <m...@jasonclinton.com>
> wrote:
>         The last commit adds the text areas and needs a little
>         iteration. Please feel free to tweak it without clearing it
>         with me before posting it.
>         Also feel free to publish the updated screen shots without my
>         last commit if you feel you'd like to go live immediately
>         without the added text areas.
> Well, I was under the impression that a publishing step was required
> but I guess it's live already. Oops!
> I'll iterate on the text a little more now to make it presentable but
> feel free to remove or comment out areas at a whim.

Me and Jason have been discussing the site, and were thinking that an
update might be in order at some point in the near(ish) future. There
are quite a few changes that have been discussed, and it makes sense to
have them go live at the same time as part of an event, rather than
being added incrementally.

Jason's kindly offered to create a branch where we can prepare these
updates before making them live.

Here's a list of changes that have been discussed:

 * Refinement of the home page text

 * Addition of video content

 * Follow us buttons for Twitter and Identica

 * A Facebook 'Like' button

 * One of Andreas's snazzy page footers, like the one on the t-shirt
contest site [1]

 * A launch party page

 * A developer platform page

 * Updates to the Try It page, hopefully with a link to the preview

That's not a list of what we should or need to do; it's just the
possibilities that I'm aware of. Contributions would be welcome, of

Best wishes,


[1] http://www.gnome.org/contest/
Blog: http://afaikblog.wordpress.com/
IRC: aday on irc.gnome.org

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