Hey Vincent, Fred,

Great job on the live CD, GNOME really needs this.

Now, if I find bugs on the LiveDVD while testing that are not related
to GNOME code, where should we report them?

Alberto Ruiz

2011/3/3 Vincent Untz <vu...@gnome.org>:
> Hi,
> Novell will produce GNOME-branded LiveDVD for GNOME 3.0, and will give
> them to the community.
> To make it's all perfect, we need a few things:
>  + test the GNOME 3 images produced by Fred Crozat, and report
>   everything that's wrong or missing (which cool app are we missing,
>   where is the branding not good, etc.)
>  + collect some marketing material to put on the DVD (slides, banners,
>   etc. about GNOME 3)
>  + create a DVD sleeve. We can use the openSUSE ones as a basis, to make
>   sure we have the right format:
>     http://gitorious.org/opensuse/art/trees/master/CD-sleeve
> The DVD sleeve is the thing that could block everything, so that's the
> most important part, I'd say :-) Any volunteers?
> (Ideally, to thank Novell, we'd leave some kind of "Powered by openSUSE"
> or Geeko head logo somewhere, like on the boot screen and in a corner of
> the DVD sleeve)
> Thanks,
> Vincent
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Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz
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