I won't go about with some kind of inpirational blah-blah-blah about how the last steps of climbing a mountain, when you are closest to the top are the hardest, because I never did that. I saw some dude on TV saying that though.


http://wptest.gnome.org/ is design-wise in a pretty good shape. What's needed right now is taking it the last steps and making it a great website for our great project. For this to happen we need to sharpen the focus of it, make sure the texts and images are good and that everything works as expected when we launch GNOME 3. There are some darlings to be killed, some very dear ones. But this is needed in order to get the most fundamental parts in place.

The basic navigation would be:
home | about | desktop | applications | developer technologies

Home - (very) Brief introduction, latest news and all that.
About - Our community, history, organization etc.
Desktop - Present shell (pretty much lifting info from http://www.gnome3.org/), Control Center, etc. Applications - The really cool applications we want to highlight. You know, Banshee, Deja-dup, Gedit and those guys from the GNOME Apps module [1] Developer tech - Languages, GTK+, Clutter, Gstreamer, Telepathy and all those guys.

I expect us to figure out the exact subpages along the way, but if these guys are the basis and I want to start in that end. Allan have said he would help with the content, myself will be doing some design stuff and Vdepizzol will be taking care of the translation stuff the following weeks leading up to the GNOME 3 Hackfest in Bangalore. I hope we'll be done with most of the basics by then and are as close to deployment as possible. Final release would be together with GNOME 3 on April 6th.

Me and Allan also created a Etherpad document here:

1. http://git.gnome.org/browse/jhbuild/plain/modulesets/gnome-apps-3.0.modules
- Andreas
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