Hi Will,

will kahn-greene wrote:
> "Miro" is a desktop media player application.  You can download it at
> <http://getmiro.com/>.  It has nothing to do with this conversation.
> "GNOME Miro Community" is a web-site that indexes GNOME videos
> regardless of where they are on the Internet.  It is at
> <http://gnome.mirocommunity.org/>.  I often abbreviate it as GMC.  The
> site doesn't host video.  The site is not a channel.  GNOME Miro
> Community is not like YouTube or Vimeo.
> I'm concerned that I have to keep clarifying this.  It suggests to me
> that GNOME Miro Community is making this situation worse rather than
> helping.  If that's the case, Allan is right and we should ditch it in
> regards to the marketing strategy for GNOME3.  I don't know who needs to
> decide this, but I'd like to know sooner rather than later so I don't
> continue to put my time and energy into something that's not going to be
> used especially now where I've got a ton of other things going on.  For
> some reason half my life is due between March and April.

Apologies for the mix up, and thanks for your work on this.

For the short term, I think we should probably just use YouTube for
hosting and embed Jason's videos in gnome3.org. It makes sense to have
all the GNOME 3 content in one place.

In the longer term, it would be nice to have a single URL for GNOME
videos that we can point users to. That could be the YouTube channel, or
it could be GMC. The advantage of the latter is that we can pull in
videos hosted elsewhere. My concern (aside from a few web design
niggles ;) ) is the sustainability of this option. Will - what happens
if you disappear off the face of the planet?


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