On Thu, 2011-03-17 at 17:19 +0800, Emily Chen wrote:
> 2011/3/17 Allan Day <allanp...@gmail.com>
>         Hi Emily,
>         What do you want these slides for, exactly?
> I know in some GNOME Launch parties, like in Beijing and Taipei, they
> are planning a talk about GNOME 3.0, after the talk,they will demo the
> GNOME 3.0, to show the latest and coolest GNOME to them.
> Another topic the local launch party organizer proposed is : "Write
> GNOME shell extension step by step". One speaker in Taipei gave about
> this talk in last GNOME.Asia 2010, we are planning to share and re-use
> this slides with other launch parties. 
> That's why I am think a general and public slides to introduce GNOME
> 3.0 will be very helpful for our 120+ launch parties all over the
> world. 
> About the date, most of the launch party will start after April 6th.
> Yes, Allan, you are right. we will get  plenty of GNOME 3 presentation
> slides after GNOME 3.0 Hackfest :) 

Does someone fancy having a go at a GNOME 3 presentation template? It
would need to:

 * Use Cantarell fonts [1]

 * Feature the default GNOME 3 wallpaper, called Stripes [2]

 * Include the GNOME 3 logo and possibly some screenshots (though these
will need to be updated...) [3]

 * Follow the Tango colour palette [4]


[1] http://git.gnome.org/browse/cantarell-fonts/tree/otf


[3] http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome3-web/tree/img

[4] http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines

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