I've already taken out the accessibility paragraph, on the advice of #a11y.

<mgorse> sumanah: There is a QT bridge now, which I think is still a work in progress, but a lot of progress is being made. The port of AT-SPI to DBus helped since QT already supports DBus
* sumanah nods
<sumanah> mgorse: so I am getting the sense that "this release marks GNOME making its accessibility framework available to other desktop environments" is not quite accurate?
<sumanah> eeejay: so I am trying to check whether it's reasonable to say, of GNOME 3.0, that this is a release where the a11y foundation goes cross-platform <sumanah> I remember in May 2010 at the marketing hackfest we developed that as a talking point
<sumanah> did it happen in the fall release and I just missed it?
<eeejay> sumanah, basically what mgorse said
<eeejay> sumanah, it is not a very direct talking point, no

I have, therefore, also edited http://live.gnome.org/GnomeMarketing/TalkingPoints accordingly. The top 3 topics to discuss regarding GNOME 3 are, I perceive, user experience, development, and apps.

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