So would these bugs be considered as annoying?

1. "alt key for shutdown isn't usable on tablets" - but I think a lot of people have complained about it on IRC, people with only one hand could also find this a real drag (then they need to log off and then shutdown which is a lot less convenient, at least in perception).

"screen: no option 'never'" which the logic implied goes against the one above: here we say we should encourage people to save energy, while suspend by default will use some energy to keep the system status.

In fact from looking at the fedora test mailing list I'm sure from the top of my head I could come up with a lot more (I just picked the ones that annoy ME - selfish isn't it?). So the real question is how do we draw the limit? Who gets to pick what's annoying and what's not?



On 05/06/2011 05:32 PM, Allan Day wrote:
Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
According to Monday will mark the
end of the feature proposal&  discussion period for the 3.1.x
development series.  Once we know what sorts of improvements are going
to be in 3.2

We have a good idea of what's going to be worked on. Whether it'll be
ready in time is another question of course. ;)

(touchscreen support, for instance?),

Unlikely, by the looks of the feature page [1]. We're also waiting on
other parts of the stack, if my limited understanding is correct.

we can figure out
what's most salient and who needs to be told about those enhancements,
and start prepping our marketing plan.

One thing that occurs to me - it would be nice to be tracking the small
fixes and polish that are happening. It is easy to forget these changes,
but they will be a big part of 3.2. It would be nice to have examples
and even metrics to talk about at release time.

There is a role for marketing here. The release team have included 'Fix
Annoying Things' [2] as one of the 3.2 features. This is partly an
exercise in PR, I believe. The ambition is to track and fix annoying
(and fixable ;) ) issues have been brought up in reviews and user
feedback so that, when 3.2 is released, we can say 'we fixed the
annoying things you mentioned last time around'.

If anybody has been following the reviews and knows of issues that have
been brought up, please add them to the page [2].

We won't need as huge an effort as we had for 3.0, but we'll still be
happier if we start light planning early.  Five months away....



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