
I very much agree that the GNOME Journal and Quarterly Reports should
be combined.  I think it would make sense for the combined thing to
continue as GNOME Journal and just stop doing Quarterly Reports.

The Quarterly Reports have been useful tools in helping to make the
Annual Report, so perhaps GNOME Journal could be enhanced to cover
these topics instead of having a separate Quarterly Report.

Also, it would be nice if we had a periodical that was a bit more
focused on being something to share with the GNOME User's Groups.  I
think adding the "User Group Report" to the latest Quarterly Reports was an effort at providing more periodic information about what is
going on in the GNOME User Group community.  However, I suspect we
could do more to make the GNOME Journal something that focuses on
GNOME User's Groups as an important topic and audience.


On 12/19/11 11:30 PM, Emily Gonyer wrote:
Reading through the old 2010 quarterly reports, they honestly remind me
more of journal articles than straight reports like the more recent 2011
reports have been. As a result, I can't help but to wonder if we could
somehow combine the future Quarterly reports with the GNOME journal in
some way, thereby giving them more publicity. Perhaps ask folks to write
about what they/their project are doing for the GNOME Journal and then
we could summarize that into the quarterly report along with more
bare-bones facts for the board/donors/etc?

Also, any status report on the movement of GNOME Journal to gnome.org
<http://gnome.org> servers?

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