
On 14.02.2012 10:49, Allan Day wrote:
> I'm also assuming that the t-shirts get
> transported on their own - how does that currently happen?
I was able to bring to T-Shirts to Germany, potentially using them here
for CeBIT and LinuxTag. I don't think shipping shirts has happened
often. AFAIR were T-Shirts organised locally, i.e. GNOME-FR for FOSDEM
or last time directly in Berlin. But I'm not the best one to ask.

FTR: CeBIT is not happening due to the lack of people.

> How often are the projector and router used, for example?
The route is handy for CeBIT and the projector for LinuxTag. Both things
are likely not essential but worth the space. One probably doesn't need
both items all the time, but the box is nicely packed and I imagine it'd
be quite some effort to repack the box everytime before it's send off.

> [..] a second box might not be such a bad thing.
Well, it wouldn't be too bad. But we'd need people to handle all that.
And handling one box plus potentially other stuff like the T-shirts
require a small group of people which take of that. And I don't see us
having these many people handling i.e. FOSDEM, CeBIT or LinuxTag. I
can't really speak for other events.

> We also might want to think about how we can organise the second box to keep 
> transport costs low.
> Could it be passed between volunteers, for example?
That's more or less what's happening right now. I took the box and the
shirts privately, i.e. with no shipping costs involved. And while I
could have taken another box, I doubt that others will be on other

Let's think about this and next FOSDEM. Which Box contents did we use at
the booth? Essentially the cash-box, a flatscreen, a tiny PC and
peripheral devices such as a non Linux compatible webcam and wireless
keyboard/mouse. Also banners and some printed materials. Am I missing

I don't know the shipping costs, but Doree might (CCed). So an
interesting question is, whether a PC with LCD panel and peripheral
devices is more expensive than shipping the box forth and back.
Let's assume the LCD Panel costs 75 Euros¹, the PC ~250 Euros² and the
periphery 15 Euros³. Make the prints cost 100 Euros and add another 70
Euros for the overhead and we're at 500 Euros.
Doree: How is that in relation to the shipping costs?


1: http://geizhals.at/de/?cat=monlcd19wide&sort=p
2: http://geizhals.at/de/?cat=sysnn&xf=2534_Mini-PC&sort=p
3: http://geizhals.at/de/?cat=kbdesk&xf=602_kabellos&sort=p

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