Hello all-

Just want to keep everyone informed of some new web development
documentation regarding www.gnome.org

   - The git repository for www.gnome.org (
   http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-web-www) has 2 branches:

   - master (http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-web-www/log/)
      - wptest (http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-web-www/log/?h=wptest)
      which links to http://wptest.gnome.org
   - All changes to code in the gnome.org repository should be staged on
   the wptest branch first, tested, and then merged to the master branch
   - *There is a README file* on the repo which explains this process for
   making changes to www.gnome.org in detail:
   - We have also added *new instructions for contributing* to the website
   to the GNOMEWeb wiki page:

I know this is a little more info than some of you need, but we want to be
sure this documentation is clear and useful for you if you do need it!

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