Hi everyone!

As you may have seen on foundation-list, Antoine Jacoutot is offering us a
chance to have a free half page ad in BSD magazine. It's on a pretty short
timeline, though he's going to get back to me about what the exact timing

I think it's a great opportunity! Antoine suggests something very simple,
which makes sense to me. Is there anyone here who has the time and would
be able to work on this?

These are the actual file requirements, and I'm including his email below:

1. TIF format in highest resolution ready for printing (300 DPI)
2. 1/2 Page Vertical 4.0266 x 10.75 + bleeds (0.125 top and bottom, 0.25
right, 0 left)
3. 1/2 Page Horizontal 8.25 x 5.375 + bleeds (0 top, 0.125 bottom, 0.25
right, 0 left)
4. Colors CMYK
5. Data medium E-mail (For files up to 10 MB zipped), FTP
6. Fonts must always be enclosed if they are not converted


On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 11:01:29AM -0400, Karen Sandler wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> On Tue, August 7, 2012 9:45 am, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > As a regular contributor to the BSD Magazine I was proposed to put a
> > half-page of advertisement free of charge in one of my articles
> > (the ad does not need to be commercial).
> > I was wondering if there was any interested from the Foundation to use
> > this half-page to have some exposure... and if so who should I contact?
> >
> > Also let me know if this is not the right place to ask :-)
> > Thanks!
> Thanks for thinking of us! You can contact me and the GNOME board of
> directors at board-l...@gnome.org. I'd love to hear more about what you're
> thinking for this...

Hi again :-)

So, the idea is to fill the content of a half page with whatever we want.
I haven't though it through really, I wanted to have you guys opinion
I have the requirements for the final file that needs to be sent but so
far that's it.
My general idea what to put some kind of 'advertising' (may not be the
best word but well) about the Foundation and GNOME with maybe a link to
the Friends of GNOME page or something.
To be honest I'm sure there are people way more qualified in 'marketing'
this than me; so anything is opened :)

Note that it's not a _big_ thing, BSD Mag is a freely downloadable monthly
magazine but I think it'd be nice to have some GNOME exposure in a BSD
specific publication.

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