On 08/20/12 09:00 AM, Stormy Peters wrote:
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 12:36 AM, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl
<mailto:o...@vitters.nl>> wrote:
    As stated before: you can disagree what you want. But do so nicely.
    You've given no arguments, just focussed on trying to rile emotions.
    Such behaviour is not acceptable here. So bye.

Olav, I respectively disagree with you. I think Larry's emails were fine.


While it is important to "push back" on negative articles, we should
focus on finding positive ways to respond.  I agree that it would be
good if we could find more ways to focus media attention on how upcoming
releases, like 3.6, have been addressing real user concerns, bugs, and

GNOME 3, like many new technologies, has been controversial.  Public
opinion will sometimes challange our technical leadership, and that is
probably a good thing.  While I found some of Bruce Byfield's
criticisms to be over the top, many of his concerns did seem fair.
Also, I found that I most disagreed with Bruce about points where I
could understand him being misinformed.

Many of Bruce's most serious concerns seemed to be about the future
of "GNOME Fallback".  I think the GNOME community could set these kinds
of concerns at rest easily by making a reasonable commitment to support
the userbase that wants it.  The GNOME community could, I think, be more
clear and proactive about how GNOME 2 and "GNOME Fallback" will be
supported going forward.

But, in the long run, we can never be reminded too much to focus on our
end users, who we strive to keep things simple for.

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