On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 8:21 AM, alex diavatis <alexis.diava...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> For the people that don't know yet, we are trying to make a promotional
> fan 3d animation for Gnome.
> I guess not all of you will approve a Gnome character, but it's a Gnome
> fan club effort :)
Hmm.. interesting.  I'm not sure I have formed an opinion on the mascot.

My idea of a character probably wouldn't have involved using the GNOME logo
and evolving it into a character.

I would probably have added some friends, right now with just the whites of
the eyes might be a little scary for little children. :-)

> I attached our first draft, which isn't completed yet, and we have a
> cartoon like material and a metallic. We would like to know if you have
> some ideas that we can use on it.
See above comment about the eyes.

> We have two scripts. The first one will be similar with what you have now
> on your Gnome page with the guy (sorry I don't know his name)
> that presents in video the features of Gnome. Our Gnome Char (nameless)
> will be in a room and will use
> 1. Desktop for his work --and we zoom a video with office applications
> 2. Laptop --and we zoom emails etc
> 3. Touch screen and we zoom twitter, messaging etc

> The second script (which is harder) will be a fully commercial that Gnome
> Char will presents all the advantages of Gnome and open source,
> and we'll make some scenes with millions of Gnome Chars similar to iRobot
> movie -but in worse quality :)
Cool, it sounds like a great effort, I would be very interested in seeing
how this turns out. :)


> Thank you
> - alex
> *Ps I couldn't attach the images on the ML, it asked from an moderator
> approval so I uploaded them on
> https://plus.google.com/u/1/112026213399155142823/posts/1cdMg8odtqk
> --
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