On Wed, November 7, 2012 9:43 am, Emily Gonyer wrote:
> Wonderful, thanks Juanjo! Karen, when does the 2012 Fiscal Year end
> for GNOME? As I re-read my last message it occurs to me that two big

September 30 is the end of the fiscal year for us! So we're in the new
period, even though are books aren't quite closed yet for the year (that's
quite typical, and the reason that the IRS doesn't require us to report to
them for 6 months after the year is over. Still, as you say we can do a
better job for our community than that! (or than we've done in the past)

> things we did totally slipped my mine - released GNOME 3.4 & 3.6!!
> They, and the releas parties for them all around the world should
> definetly be mentioned as well :)

good thinking! And we've got some pictures from those I think too. Also,
it would be great to feature hackfests a bit more this time, really
talking about some of the tasks accomplished rather than just including
stats. Hopefully we can ask folks if they would turn their blogposts into
appropriate articles for that.

We should also include a bit on Marina as winner of the pants award, and
we can do the usual short summaries from the annual report (or we can just
ask people to turn their presentations from GUADEC into something suitable
for the annual report. The bugsquad report in particular would look great
with the graphics that Andre put together.

I'm so glad we're picking this up now. Thanks Emily and Juanjo!

> Emily
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Juanjo Marín <juanjomari...@yahoo.es>
> wrote:
>>>Dave, good points! Off the top of my head, I can think of several
>>>things we have to talk about this year:
>>>GNOME's 15th birthday
>>>Hackfests/Conferences (FOSDEM, CeBIT, GUADEC, LinuxTag, GNOME.Asia,
>>>Boston Summit, OLF and a multitude of hackfests)
>>>FOG Accessibility Campaign
>> I´d like to write about the FOG Accessibiliy Campaign
>> Cheers,
>>    -- Juanjo Marin
> --
> Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
> power and magic in it. -  Goethe
> Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
> matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss
> Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
> counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
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