
On 11/30/2012 12:20 PM, Allan Day wrote:
- Tentative agreement for Karen to reach out to the Tor Project
(https://www.torproject.org) and others for a campaign related to
Privacy and Security.

I've had a bit of a think about Tor integration from a design point of
view, and have filed a bug [1] against Settings. It could make sense,
but it will need more research before we can make a decision.

I assume everyone has heard about this by now? http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/11/tor-operator-charged-for-child-porn-transmitted-over-his-servers/

Tor will be a big battleground over the next year - with all sorts of repercussions for Net Neutrality, privacy on the net and the ability to avoid tracking, versus law enforcement and facilitation of illegal activity.

I would be very happy to see GNOME take a strong stance in defence of personal liberty and freedom from tracking - I think there's a huge opportunity for us to team up with groups like Mozilla and EFF, who are thinking a lot about the issue of tracking on the web, and make a group effort to defend projects like Tor against persecution by law enforcement, with the end result of a practical erosion of our freedoms.

The frame is being set - if you're for Tor you're for child pornography. We cannot allow the message to be set in this way, we need to tell another story, one of Big Brother and protecting our children from predators on the internet with projects like ghostery and collusion: http://www.ted.com/talks/gary_kovacs_tracking_the_trackers.html

Who's with me? Should we reach out to Gary Kovacs and others at Mozilla and EFF to see if we can't help create an Alliance for Personal Internet Liberty?


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
Email: dne...@gnome.org
Jabber: nea...@gmail.com
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