Sri, same time? 20h UTC?

On 04/21/2013 07:39 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
Collecting Agenda:

Please send me some

Current ones:

1) Annual Report Status

2) Marketing Hackfest

3) OPW/GSOC projects -

* (I don't think has been complete) so this is a possible * <> reorganization for volunteer capture * <> marketing reoganization - not up to date I think

4) Conference planning
* Andreas and Fabiana to attent FLISOL (Latin American Free Software Installation Fest) in Rio, on the 27th of April. - what materials to send?
    * Action: They will need Live CDs and a set of GNOME Cheat Sheets.

Previous Action items:

marketing-list mailing list

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