I don't think we need a one word slogan. Not sure if anybody actually
suggested that.

I also don't think "Freedom" or "Liberty" should be the words we use.
I very specifically thought that "liberate" was the word we ought to
use because it describes what Couch lets you do. It lets you liberate
your data. That can mean so many things, from being able to filter it
and transform it, through to being able to move it between locations,
and keep everything in sync.

Note. I don't think our slogan should just be "Liberate". But that our
slogan could be something like "CouchDB. Liberate your data." The key
here is that we're describing what you'll be able to do with your data
by using our sync protocol.

Please watch this video on "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek:


It will help you understand why I think we have to reach higher than
sync/replication. We need to communicate WHY we're building a sync
protocol. Like, why is it even important? Why are we all here?

If we can communicate that, our brand and our messaging will be so
much more powerful. We'll attract people EMOTIONALLY. People who feel
like they belong because they share our goals/values.

Why is the sync protocol important to you? (Yes you, reading this
email.) What's the VALUE? What motivates you to contribute to CouchDB
by participating on this list? What does the sync protocol get you?
What is it enabling for you?

Open invitation to answer this...

On 8 November 2014 06:39, Johs Ensby <j...@b2w.com> wrote:
> Joan,
> “Liberate” has the right mixture of connotations and meanings for most of us, 
> I guess, but related to CouchDB, no, it’s so grand that it won’t stick.
> Imagine a car manufacturer calling their new model “Liberate” or 
> “Liberation”. Or the creator of a new parfume. Or a a political campaign.
> It would work, but the word is just to grand and important to most people to 
> associate with a car, parfume, political candidate or a database.
> This is reaching faaaar to high. You will just borrow a small piece of the 
> words mental space in people’s heads and have to explain it again and again.
> I have seen presentations where “Relax” is used very effectively to explain 
> CouchDB benefits.
> The logo (which is brilliant, who created that??) says “Relax”.
> This is the part of CouchDB communications that is working really, really 
> well.
> It is almost impossible to find a one-word slogan, you need to make a phrase 
> to give it a uniqueness. However CouchDB, with the logo + “Relax” has built a 
> cool message in a stressful world of too many busy bodies trying to oversell 
> theirs stuff.
> My advice is:
> Call it a day and be happy that the chase for a new slogan verified that it 
> is very hard to find something that works better for CouchDB then “Relax”.
> Johs:)
>> On 07 Nov 2014, at 16:56, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:
>> What do others thing about using this word? "Liberate"? I think it has
>> the right mixture of connotations and meanings

Noah Slater

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