Probably this is something we can share with other mailing lists too?

2015-05-08 8:43 GMT+02:00 Giovanni Lenzi <>:

> Seems ermouth wants to add an article on "differences between
> couchapps,hoodie,cloudwall,smileupps"..
> Can someone add or give permissions to add this list to the wiki?
> Anyway, before this discussion derailed, we were talking about content
> obsolescence and I agree with Alexander it's a very important topic!
> Maybe, members of this community, can create their content on wikis and
> blogs we can control, such as couchdb wiki, smileupps wiki :), personal
> blogs and so on?
> But, publishing content on social media instead, requires much more care
> from us. They will always remain in the future, and tech topics outdate
> very soon. We know it very well with couchapps ;)
> Therefore, agreed with anyone, that nothing can be a silver-bullet, any
> flavour of app-framework has its own specific limitations today.. agreed
> this, NONE can say how they will evolve!!
> Indeed, given that use cases depend on:
> - MOSTLY on app software architecture (up to app dev)
> - STRONGLY on underlying technologies (couchdb devs)
> - and then finally on hardware
> and hopefully all of these variables constantly improve, it is usually not
> possible for us to strongly bound an app-framework to some specific use
> cases.
> Maybe the next couchdb or rcouch will have a load balancer within it? or
> couchapp scalability will be possible? or maybe that is already possible?
> Who knows?
> Technology key strenghts are soon forgotten, but weaknesses usually remain
> for long time in app-devs' minds. Therefore IMHO, at least for content
> published on exernal media, talking of couchdb downsides, is ok if it comes
> from people external to this community, because we can't control the
> internet or others' minds... but it's far less acceptable if it comes from
> the inside of this community. Or at least it should not have a so negative
> impact for the future.
> What do you think?
> 2015-05-04 18:10 GMT+02:00 Giovanni Lenzi <>:
>> Here are some ideas to push CouchDB... Sorry for having cross posted this
>> on the advocate hub too.. but probably this mailing list is more
>> appropriate?!?!
>> -----
>> I think CouchDB is great, but it definitely needs us to explain why it is.
>> What about starting with a list of ideas/titles of possible articles
>> and tutorials, in order to let contributors/advocates/externals choose and
>> write the one they prefer and have something schedulable for the weekly
>> newsletter?
>> I think it would be very important to create a lot of small,
>> topic-focused content around CouchDB, to have something schedulable in
>> advance, for future newsletters and engage users, week after week.
>> Content could be split in categories, always shown within the weekly
>> newsletter. Here some examples:
>> - ARTICLES: these have variable length
>>     - How to backup your CouchDB based website in 30 seconds
>>     - How to use CouchDB as your website versioning tool
>>     - Using CouchDB to identify XSS attacks on your website
>>     - Why using a web, app and db server when you can just use CouchDB?
>>     - AngularJS-CouchDB
>>     - React-CouchDB
>>     - For each other framework/library we could eventually create an
>> article, in order to attract developers using that specific framework
>>     - Differences between MEAN, LAMP, ... and CouchDB
>>     - more ideas? I think creative ways of using CouchDB are great to
>> increase interest!!
>> - COUCHAPPS: couchapps probably need a specific category given the size
>> of the subject
>>      - Pushing your static website to CouchDB
>>      - Rendering dynamic webpages from your database
>>      - Full user management within a single couchapp: authentication,
>> registration, activation, lost-password (at smileupps we already working on
>> this)
>>      - For any couchapp on github or Smileupps, we could eventually
>> create an article to explain how it has taken advantage of CouchDB features
>>      - more ideas?
>> - PILLS: these could be really short articles focused on a single
>> couchdb feature. Here we should fix a maximum length.
>>      - Replication
>>      - Views
>>      - CouchDB log file format
>>      - Couchapps
>>      - Changes handler
>>      - List
>>      - Show
>>      - Update functions
>>      - Rewriting handler
>>     - more?
>> This list could be arranged within the CouchDB wiki directly, so everyone
>> can contribute. Each entry should include:
>> - topic idea/title
>> - contributor: who wants to take this in charge. empty initially
>> - ready date: contributor has to estimate when the content will be ready
>> - publish date: given the "ready date", katharina can then set a date for
>> publishing on newsletter/social networks, to prevent having too much
>> content on a week and nothing for the next week
>> All articles should focus on how easy is CouchDB for that specific
>> purpose, compared to alternatives, to explicitly tell developers how they
>> can benefit from it
>> Furthermore, I may be a little bit biased saying this, but I
>> think Couchapps are really a game-changing feature and they can
>> effectively have a big impact in pushing CouchDB. While there are many
>> other NoSQL databases, there is nothing with such a similar feature... yet!
>> Don't you think CouchDB can have great benefits out of it?
> --
> Giovanni Lenzi
> Smileupps Couchapps Store

Giovanni Lenzi
Smileupps Couchapps Store

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