I posted a question as to why choose MS Office over OO on hacker news
and although I only got 4 responses, they kind of match my own
experience with OO.
here is the discussion:


Problems with adoption as far as I can ascertain are as follow:

* It is ugly
* it does not match MS Office functionality exactly (this is what the
world uses, so to get people to adopt LO, they need to have what they
already need)
* It is slow
* It is clunky
* It has issues with MS doc and docx files (yes I know MS formats in
an insane way and does not follow standards)

As someone who has worked in corporate IT in the U.S., and now in
ecommence for a major U.S. corporation, here are my recommendations:

* LO needs to match every single MS Office function, and then provide
what MS Office is missing
* The interface needs to become refined (think iphone refinement),
maybe even adding the dreaded ribbon or option to switch between the
two types)
* performance needs to be increased
* MS Office filters and converters need to be perfected
* Investigate  a revision control system like such as Sharepoint or Google docs
* perfect the spellcheck system and advance grammar and formatting
control systems

We could institute some kind of feedback program such as the test
pilot model that Mozilla uses
 with Firefox 4. We can also look at how MS destroyed Word perfect in
market share to dominate the World Office suite business market.

Then LO needs to innovate new features and stabilize its current
feature set, this is how Firefox, and later Chrome won the browser
wars (in my opinion at least).

just my thoughts

-Frank esposito

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Marc Paré <m...@marcpare.com> wrote:
> Just thought that I would start a thread on LibO use in Business as there
> was a mention of weak areas in the suite that prevents its use and an
> efficient tool.
> Marc
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