On 10/28/2010 08:59 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
> Hi Anthony:
> Sorry to send you this note but ... the mailists on TDF have all agreed
> to bottom post. It is easier to read the thread of the conversation.
> When you top-post we have to scroll up-down to remind us what the
> conversation (AT THAT POINT) is all about.
> Could you please bottom post? You can configure your mail agent to do
> this automatically.

Hi Marc,

My apologies. I am totally in line with bottom posting. Unfortunately,
when I was participating in the discussion this morning, I was doing so
from the GMail client on my Blackberry and I am not given the choice to
top or bottom reply.  No biggie though, I'll just wait until I'm in a
proper mail client to reply.  Thanks for the heads up!


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