Hi Lucas, :-)

I remember you brought this subject up before. I remember it didn't
really inspire me at that time, but I think I've changed my mind.

I have mentioned a couple of times in threads that I find the current
"sheet of paper" logo to be static, and to be lacking sharp identity
and recognizability. I was suggesting that LibO needed a "living"
character along the lines of Linux's Tux the penguin.

I felt that such a character could be declined/derived for multiple
uses and needs, and could quickly acquire a life of its own. I
visualize something that can be used in graphics and animations.

On second consideration of your idea, I feel it could have great
potential. It has the simplicity of genius, so seemingly trivial that
one could discard the notion without a second thought. But I think you
may have hit on "the idea of the century" for LibO.

Your paper plane fits in superbly with the paper sheet, as a natural
development thereof. The possibilities are many. It can be made into
something that fires empathy in the young and old, the simple and the

What do you think about the idea of giving it eyes, or some kind of
face? Can you find a way to breathe life into it, like the old man
into Pinnochio?

I would warmly encourage you to keep working on your concept. If I can
be of assistance in any way, please feel free to contact me.

I think this idea could be a real winner, and has some brilliance.
Lots of potential.

My 0.2 cents. I'm really hoping that second thoughts about it will
inspire people in the project.

I'll be watching out to hear more about your invention.

David Nelson

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