### x-posting and follow-up/reply-to set to website list (but don't know 
if it will work)

On Wednesday 03 November 2010 02:11, Marc Paré wrote:

> I saw that Florian, on some mailist (can't remember which one), has
> asked someone to help out with the Wiki. We may have be able to have
> a re-name session for pages before the pages get too numerous and out
> of control.

Just wanting to add my 2 cents: Do not rush defining conventions in the 
wiki as creativity might suffer. If any, keep rules simple. 

> Drew's language naming convention seems to make sense. 
> Maybe if we all agreed, we could devote a morning or afternoon to
> re-naming pages to fit an agreed-to naming convention and then get
> the machinery going again. I think that ideas/discussions are thrown
> together at such a fast pace that we all forget about the
> nitty-gritty such as things like the naming-conventions.
> May I suggest that if we know that a page will sit at the top of the
> pyramid, that on that page, there should be an example of the
> agreed-to naming convention for the sub-pages? This way we will have
> a referral page that we could see for our own use.
> By doing this simple gesture of posting the naming convention, it
> will be easier to make sense of the pages' architecture for all.

From the experience in the OOoWiki I'd suggest to start with categories:  
A few top level categories (e.g. Development, Marketing, Documentation, 
Native Languages) should be created (most have been already) and should 
be applied to international (i.e. english) pages. Furthermore, for each 
native lang or regional community, an own top level category should be 
crated (e.g. US, DE, FR, RU).

One top level category should be applied to every page at least. Then 
the teams of each category can take over responsibility to 
extend/refine categorization. 

In the end, a category tree should grow top down. 

Rationale: with Categories, you create an independant (content based) 
hierarchy among the pages, which can be adopted/changed very easily, 
while renaming pages is quite tedious. 


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