Le 2010-11-05 21:32, Marc Paré a écrit :

Ok, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I would say that branding belongs
under marketing. I have always thought that we were here to advertise
and make sure of the visibility of the LibO branding. As to what defines
branding is a subject of debate, but not usually of art. It is normally
defined by the community and from the community there may be, from time
to time, elements that may be sent back to the art members for redesign.


I've reread notes from several threads and now am a little confused as to the definition of the word "branding". It looks like the understanding of branding may have different implications from the point of view of drafting a logo and the layman's definition of branding.

As I have always seen it (and I believe that, this is what most people's understanding of the word):

branding: (Oxford Dictionary)
the activity of giving a particular name and image to goods and services so that people will be attracted to them and want to buy them

* He sees contemporary branding as ‘service with personality’.
* This marketing campaign is the most remarkable branding exercise of all time.


In this sense the word "branding" is the outcome of the marketing activity that will give a name its popularity and has no relationship in the completion of the logo creation process.

However, it seems that there is another definition of the word "branding" in the world of the craft of logo design. The branding of the logo by which colours and shades are applied to an, as of yet, unfinished logo, as a final step in the creation process.

Herein lies the problem with categorizing our understanding of the word "branding", two divergent definitions.

We should therefore take a closer look at the word "branding" and determine between both of our groups, designers and marketers, as to which side of the fence sits the word.

If "branding" is commonly known in the design professions as a final step in the completion of a logo design schedule, in this case it could only be categorized as a subset of an art project. On the other hand, if "branding", in the process of completing a logo, occupies a leading role in the completion of the creation of a logo design schedule, in this case is deserves a separate category unto itself but still under the "art" umbrella.

However, if "branding" is meant as the activity associated with the marketing of different identifying traits of LibO, of which its logo, then "branding" should occupy a place as a subset of the marketing section.

We, therefore, need to agree on the definition of the word "branding" before giving it its category placement.


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