Hello everyone,

I added LibreOffice Artwork to Artwork Team project board (
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Tasks ) and created a draft specification to
provide guidance to our team (
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/Request-5 ).

An outstanding issue is where submissions will be posted. Although your wiki
may be used for this purpose, I would like to suggest an alternative that
has work well for us.

The alternative is Flickr. Guest accounts are free and this site is tailored
for this purpose. A moderated community can be built to group submissions to
a project.

This relieves the wiki of the image storage burden permitting it to be used
for supporting documentation.

I can set this up if desired.


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 4:51 AM, Thorsten Wilms <t...@freenet.de> wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-11-15 at 16:25 +0800, David Nelson wrote:
> > @TDF guys: I'd like to make one last plea for my idea of a logo/mascot
> > competition (if you have clear arguments against it, I'll drop the
> > subject).
> Contests are devoid of the traditional client/designer relationship.
> There tends to be no strategy, no briefing, no iterations.
> A contest means that each participant invests their time, betting on
> creating the one design that will be selected. Contest holders don't
> value people's time and effort and you have to wonder if participants
> value their own time and effort.
> Contests do not speak of community and cooperation. It's everyone
> against everyone else. Building on each others work is discouraged.
> The risk of ending up with a "good" design that just lacks some
> refinement is sometimes met with a refinement stage after the contest.
> There you can marvel at design by committee in action.
> You will often see lots of participants with little or no design
> education and a panel of judges that have little to no clue what they
> are actually looking for, either. Do you think BMW, Apple or Gucci would
> hold a logo design contest?
> http://troy-sobotka.blogspot.com/2010/10/spec-work-and-contests-part-two.html
> http://www.no-spec.com/
> > 4) We can capitalize on the contact we've made with Ubuntu Artwork; if
> > they're willing, they can "foster" us in this to some extent, and LibO
> > participants can learn and develop a lot of good workflow methods and
> > practices from an experienced and successful "big brother" project. It
> > will also develop and strengthen this new relationship.
> You are deluded regarding the scale, reach and success found in Ubuntu
> Artwork (as a community project). I told you before, but apparently you
> didn't listen. Does it help to show this are not just claims of some
> random guy if I say I have been involved since 2007 and have been
> sponsored to attend the Ubuntu Developer Summit 2 times? (Hmm, guess
> that means nobody should ask me about successful team-building!)
> Guess I sound overly negative, but I just want to avoid wrong
> expectations.
> On to the constructive part, what should happen:
> First you need a good briefing. Even if you still do a contest, you
> should have one. At the core is the mission statement of the entire
> project. What are the goals? Based on that, you might formulate a
> strategy. That's the foundation to decide on your tone and message. What
> do you want to express with your visual design? Set priorities.
> Without a good briefing, you have nothing to evaluate designs, expect
> for the highly subjective "I like this" vs "but I like that".
> Also see:
> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/design-in-collaborative-projects/
> Developing such a briefing, as well as technical and legal requirements,
> is a task best handled by a small group.
> You could then select a single or maybe 2 or 3 designers, based on their
> availability and past work.
> Or, if you must, have a concept/drafting phase open for all. But instead
> of turning it into a contest, it should be a designer's job distributed
> on many shoulders.
> --
> Thorsten Wilms
> thorwil's design for free software:
> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/
> --
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