
Marc Paré wrote on 2010-12-06 08.52:

It could also be as simple as creating a simple email group used for a
specific task. No need to create a private mailing list. Once the task
is complete the email group is disbanded and the results are made public
in due course. Of course the email group would always have to include
some members of the SC for transparency at the SC level.

What would really be needed is a secure site to hold the documentation
being worked on; part of the wiki that would be accessible for only
certain members. Unless the newly created email group/mailing list
decided to delegate the care of the documentation in some members hands.

But yes, there should be a way for some groups to work in a secure area
where such materials may be considered "time or public" sensitive.

I think a mailing list is best, because we then have archives and know how to deal with it. Another tool will just cause confusion. :-)

As for the wiki or collaboration tool, someone suggested Etherpad. Anyone has experience?


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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