RE: Error(s) in the LibreOffice 3.3 System Requirements page at:

Paragraph says:

<< Administrator rights are needed for the installation process.

Registration of LibreOffice as default application for Microsoft Office formats can be forced or suppressed by using the following command line switches with the installer:

   * |/msoreg=1| will force registration of LibreOffice as default
     application for Microsoft Office formats;
   * |/msoreg=0| will suppress registration of LibreOffice as default
     application for Microsoft Office formats.

||||If you perform an administrative installation using setup /a, you need to make sure that the file msvc90.dll is installed on the system. This file is required for LibreOffice to start after an administrative installation. You can download the file here. ... >>

1. The file named as "msvc90.dll" appears wrong. I believe that it should be "msvcm90.dll", with that second "m" in the file name.

2. PRAY strongly that end-users and non IT personnel do NOT try the above "Registration of LibreOffice as default application for..." steps and really screw up their systems(!) The inclusion of that area may very well totally confuse new users, and thus this area may need refinement.

Most sincerely,

Joe Rotello
Founder, WindowGroup
Knoxville, TN

Skype: joerotello

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