Hi Italo,

Good Estern to you too. I was not talking about features. Somewhere in the
menus they are all there. I was refering to reasons not to adopt and reasons
to dump LibO. Those are not necessarily missing features.

I think those complaints are important because "behind every complainer or
quitter there are 10 people not contented either".

Some facts from my own experience:

- Three times I tried to introduce OOo in organisations I that hired me.
Three times I failed. Reason number one: OOo/LibO lacks "normal view" and/or
"hide white space". Many people within  the companies found scrolling
through upper and lower margins so annoying they did not want to use OOo.
Maybe that is just a minor feature in your eyes, but it stoppend OOo at the
gate, three times out of three. Matthias Bauer is working on that now. God
bless him.

- Calc was not adopted because some things work differently from MSO. A
litte "switcher's guide" could have prevented the rejection. That is: if you
care enough about your potential customers to find out what bothers them and
accept that maybe - just maybe - you don't know everything that matters.
(Sure, trainers could have done wonders. But home users don't want to be
trained. They just want it to work the way they expect.)

- Students dropped OOo for another reason. Documents they composed in OOo
and saved as doc-files at home, were not printed in the proper layout
using the university Windows/MSO computers. Maybe their settings were wrong,
maybe they made stupid mistakes, but they had a very quick solution: they
dropped OOo and were very vocal about it.

I think little things like these are extremely important. As architect Mies
van der Rohe put it: "God is in the details".

Some time ago, Ubuntu/Canonical ran a "100 paper cuts" campaign. Users could
report little things that annoyed them and could be fixed easily. I think
LibO should follow that example (apart from the former users survey).

But you know best, so I guess it is not going to happen.


2011/4/24 Italo Vignoli <italo.vign...@gmail.com>

> On 4/24/11 2:31 AM, Riemer Thalen wrote:
>  To achieve this, the developers and policy makers need to look outside the
>> community. Test users and focus groups of dedicated users can name new
>> functions that are "nice to have". IMHO, now it is more important to give
>> priority to the missing features that average non-committed users "need to
>> have". To identify those features, you'll need to ask former users. That
>> was
>> the initianal point I tried to make. It turns out the opinion leaders in
>> the
>> community do not agree with me. So be it.
> Former users, or people who decide to switch back from OOo/LO to MS Office,
> are a very small group, and each one of them has a different reason. Office
> suites share over 90% of their features, and so it is very difficult to
> identify "missing" ones.
> Most people use not more than 5% of features, and power users get to 20%. A
> tiny minority goes beyond this threshold. Deciding on features because we
> assume that people base their decision on features is wrong or misleading.
> Switching from MS Office to OOo/LO usually happens because of the price. In
> the majority of cases, users continue to use both suites for quite a long
> time, until they decide for one. Many people continue to use both forever,
> maybe one in the office and the other at home.
> Companies switch from MS Office to OOo/LO because of the better TCO, and
> the very few that switch back (their names are on MS web site, and MS has
> even made a YouTube video out of them) decide to do so because they made a
> wrong assumption and prolly overlooked factors like the internal workflow.
> Even the Microsoft video does not use features as the main reason to switch
> back to MS Office, just because the main reasons is not based on features.
> Software adoption is based on features for programs focused on a specific
> task, and even in this case there are exceptions: FreeHand (Macromedia) and
> Illustrator (Adobe) have fighted for years in several markets in order to
> overtake each other, but for weird reasons (as they have both made extensive
> research to discover that often the choice was because: "I like it more")
> they have never been able to achieve their objective.
> Italy was a FreeHand market, and adding FreeHand features to Illustrator
> never worked. France was an Illustrator market, and adding Illustrator
> features to FreeHand never worked. Graphic designers were just sticking with
> their original choice.
> Anyway, today office suites share 95% of the same feature set. The
> situation was different in the past, and at that time Sun did several
> efforts to know the missing features (this led to OOo 2.0, which was a
> feature release). It was back in 2004, but since 2007 OOo has steadily
> increased its market share exactly because the feature problem was solved.
> Just a few points to end the message:
> 1. MS has a yearly global turnover of 60 billion dollars. The Office
> Products Division has a yearly global turnover of 25 billion dollars (not
> quarterly) which is flat or slightly decreasing (if I remember well, it used
> to be 28 or 30 in the recent past).
> 2. Inside a community, no one is an opinion leader. Each one makes his
> contribution based on his competences, and this makes some people more
> visible than others, but this is just a matter of life. A community is based
> on teamwork, and each tiny bit of work is very important.
> 3. "The journey is the reward" (Steve Jobs, in a completely different
> environment, but for a similar objective). Communities move slowly, and
> results come in slowly. Our community is very mature, because over the past
> 10 years we have seen happening all it could happen. We are here for the
> long run (the marathon) and not the fiscal quarter.
> Best regards, and happy Easter break, Italo
> --
> Italo Vignoli
> italo.vign...@gmail.com
> mobile +39.348.5653829
> VoIP +39.02.320621813
> skype italovignoli
> --
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