From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
To: marketing@libreoffice.org
Sent: Fri, 27 May, 2011 15:59:38
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Additional Platforms - 3rd Party 
Support Pamphlet

On 05/27/2011 10:00 AM, drew wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 09:27 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
>> Le 2011-05-27 06:50, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions a écrit :
>>> Marc,
>>> I wish I had someone like you helping out with my college papers. After
>>> I married, my wife helped some, but with her affected by Alzheimer's I
>>> do not have any to help me with writing [i.e. grammar, etc.] my documents.
>>> Between Dyslexia and the strokes, I lost much of the abilities I had.
>>> So thanks Marc for finding the grammar, and other writing, issues with
>>> the paperwork Drew and other are working on for LibreOffice Marketing.
>> Thanks for the vote of confidence, but most of my comments are just that
>> and Drew and others are free to comment differently as well. We all get
>> to offer our opinions on the text.
> Howdy all,
> First let me agree with Tim on this - thanks a lot for all the time you
> put in on this and other work here.
> Now - it turns out we also got a great submittal from Tom on this - he
> sent it via direct emial, so as to have files attached.
> So - I've pushed Tom's update to the wiki
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:LibO-Pamphlet-platforms-support.pdf
> and of course the odt also.
> Now, will apply Marc's latest comments to that, which works really well
> as Marc concentrated on page 2 and Tom on page 1...excellent..
> Back when that is done and uploaded
> Thanks much
> //drew

Drew, do you know on your Wiki User page[s] that list what has been completed 
for the DVD, your links for the pamphlet and the insert are either wrong or 
way out of date.

I miss the module icons on the above PDF [BSD pamphlet] for Writer, Calc, etc., 

On page 1 bottom of middle column
Why did you make LibreOffice -->  Libre in green and Office in black?

Is the link below that shadowed in black?  Whatever it has look nice there.  
Stands out more than "flat" green.

Column 1
You have Linux with RPM and DEB under it, but how about Mac OSX having Intel 
x86] and PPC under it?

top of the column you do not have the "." list indented, but the second page 
have them indented.
Should it be indented like the other lists?

For "Mac OS X", I know that form might be more correct, but for some reason, 
OSX looks better to me.

Should Gnu/Linux be GNU/Linux?  Someone might wonder what GNU means.  I keep 
forgetting with it stands for, except it is not Unix but Linux.  "an ongoing 
migration to GNU Make as a first step to more reliable cross-compilations from 
Linux to Windows ."  This statement brings up the issue that people may want to 
know what the "GNU Make" means and why this is true.  I do not know off hand 
myself.  Could "Linux to Windows" include "Linux to Windows and Mac OSX"?  
LibreOffice does support Mac OSX and that statement could be taken as there are 
no "reliable" compilations for Mac's OS.

For the source code being available so people can compile it to BSD platforms, 
could it be "BSD and other platforms"? I just wish there was some way that that 
statement would not make some people thing that LO did not want to bother with 
any other platforms since they were beneath our "social class" if it was 
about people and not platforms.  I use to be the "devil's advocate" in a lot of 
discussions in college and work since someone had to think that way so that the 
"other side" of the issues and problems would be brought up and worked on 
the "public" thought of these questions.

I am glad you stated LibreOffice Applications instead of "modules" but some 
people would wonder if you could install Writer alone like MSO Word could in 
installed without the rest of the suite.  But, that would make the software 
package much larger in size.

Hi :)

Thanks Drew :)  I didn't know how to upload and anyway i wasn't sure about my 
suggestions especially as it missed some other suggested changes.  I can't see 
the odt on the page at the moment so i guess it's on the way.  

I thought listing individual OSes could get a bit long!  There's about half a 
dozen Windows that LibreOffice seems to be being used on.  There are about 600 
(or so) Gnu&Linux distros that were picking it up quite fast.  Ok, not all 
600 are desktop OSes and some are just for embedded device, routers and stuff, 
but it's still a long list!  There is probably about a dozen Gnu&linux's that 
currently have LO as the default Office Suite but more have it in their repos 
afaik.  Pardus and Mageia were about the first to ship with LO.  So, cutting 
the list of OSes and reducing it down to the platforms keeps it much clearer.  

With Bsd i think LO has to be compiled from source and i haven't heard of the 
source code being compiled in any platform that isn't already listed, ie i have 
heard a few people talk of compiling in Gnu&linux but there is an easier way to 
install in gnu&linux.  I get the impression that Bsd users are very used to 
compiling programs as the standard way of installing things.  Saying "other 
platforms" might give people the impression that iOS, Android and stuff are all 
covered when they might not be, yet.  So it was really just a way of getting 
Bsd's standard install method mentioned.  

Some of the colours seemed to go a bit wonky when i edited it so hopefully 
someone can use the branding guidelines to fix the strap-lines.

Gnu stands fro "Gnu is Not Unix", it is easy to google for it and many linux 
users will already know or will stumble on it at some point.  I don't think the 
pamphlet is the place to explain Gnu, just as we wouldn't explain Windows for 
those that have never heard of that either lol.  Oddly enough i do know some 
people that have never heard of Windows.  

Regards from
Tom :)
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