Hi :)
It would be even nicer if people could sell such things to make enough money to 
cover their costs.  If they could make enough money to help support the costs 
running the stand, travel, expenses, and to be able to start saving up for when 
equipment, banners and other relevant stuff needs replacing.  

Most companies charge people a fortune to be able to wear their logo and 
advertise their product.  How much do people pay for a Nike t-shirt or a Rock 
band's t-shirt?

It is great that you guys are getting stuff out there but perhaps any 
could be sold through the website?  Perhaps people might be encouraged to take 
pride in their LibreOffice free t-shirt if they later found it for sale on a 
website for quite a lot of money.  It might also encourage more people to turn 
up to similar events in the future or people in other countries to go to events 
nearer them.  

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Marc Paré <m...@marcpare.com>
To: marketing@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Fri, 8 July, 2011 7:01:29
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: FISL12 - Photos

Le 2011-07-07 15:06, Paulo de Souza Lima a écrit :
> 2011/7/7 Marc Paré<m...@marcpare.com>
>> Thanks Eliane,
>> Nice photos. I have some questions:
>> - I like the large banner (DSCF1185)
>> - i like the banner that you used to walk around the conference (DSCF1146)
>> -- I like this idea!
>> - I was wondering about the ODF banner (DSCF1367), was this banner donated
>> by the ODF or is it a banner that you had made for the conference?
>> - were you selling T-shirts?
>> - were you giving away any LibreOffice items? It looks like you were giving
>> away pamphlets and some other documentation. (DSCF1115) (I like the large
>> banner on the right hand side on this photo.)
>> - was it a busy conference?
>> - how many banners did you have in your booth and what sizes did you use?
>> - I was just wondering what was happening on this photo? (01071011004)
>> - I like this photo, it gives us a clear shot of how big your booth was and
>> the LibreOffice banners (CSCF1085)
>> Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for representing LibreOffice at the
>> conference!
>> Cheers,
>> Marc
> Hi Marc.
> I think I can help make some things clear:
> FISL means Free Software International Faire. It's the major and most waited
> FLOSS event in Latin America. It is coordinated by Associação do Software
> Livre (Free Software Association), the same organization that's acting as a
> "host owner" for the libreoffice.org.br domain.
> This event joins govenment, companies and FLOSS lovers in the same place
> every year.
> Some of the photos show Olivier Hallot with some people (
> DSCF1275, DSCF1242, DSCF1237, DSCF1229). They are Marcos Mazoni - FLOSS
> Implementation Comitee Cordinator (Government), Sady Jacques (Free Software
> Association Embassor) and Jomar Silva (Apache OpenOffice.org Community
> member). They've signed a Letter of Intent described at
> .
> As long as I know, t-shirts and hats were made by Vitório Furusho (recently
> approved as TDF member), who pay for and give them away in order to promote
> ODF and LibreOffice. Furusho is responsible for some strong initiatives
> pro-ODF. Maybe all ODF laws approved in Brazil are consequences of his job
> because He's writen the first ODF law. All the others are based on the first
> one he wrote.
> Folders were made by Eliane (what reminds me I need to help her with the
> costs =/).
> As you can see, there's a huge LibreOffice and ODF community down here =)
> Cheers.

Thanks for this information. Nice to see that T-shirts and hats are 
given away. Vitório sounds like a very resourceful member. We are lucky 
to have him with LibreOffice.

Nice to hear of FISL and it looks like it is well attended by the photos 
taken by the team.



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