Hi :)

The Extremadura Regional Government in Spain have just announced a new release 
of their distro, "LinEx", designed for deployment in government offices and 
educational institutions in the province.  

By using a modified Debian distribution, the Extremadura Regional Government 
has benefited from the fact that there is a large amount of varied software for 

I got the announcement at DistroWatch where it is still on their front-page
and the specifically LinEx page tells us that LibreOffice is their default 
Office Suite now.  

I'm not sure how widely used it is even in the State/Province.  I think the 
Spanish government is split into 5(?) States/Provinces in much the same way as 
the US.  In England we only have 1 although i guess Wales, Scotland and Ireland 
have kinda sub-governments with limited powers which is an improvement on the 
way it used to be (imo) when they had none but it could still be improved 
(unless you prefer centralisation, of course, but that's not really an argument 
for these lists).  

Anyway, it's great to see at least 1 of the Provinces/States of Spain using 
LibreOffice :)
Regards from
Tom :)

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