Thanks Jay. And please everyone, don't be impressed or annoyed by this
blog. We have more serious and productive stuff to do.


2012/10/31 Jay Lozier <>

> On 10/31/2012 11:13 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
>> Le 2012-10-31 09:44, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
>>> Il 31/10/2012 14:19, Florian Monfort ha scritto:
>>>> claims-part-i-downloads.html?**utm_source=feedburner&utm_**
>>>> medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%**3A+robweir%2Fantic-atom+%**
>>>> 28Rob+Weir%3A+An+Antic+**Disposition%29<>
>>> Of course not. Rob Weir is our main enemy, and has always been such (you
>>> can dig a little bit inside his blog). He represents IBM mood, and this
>>> is just a proof that TDF and LibreOffice are more successful than Apache
>>> OO.
>>> --
>> Well, disregarding the author's name, the article contends that the
>> metrics behind TDF/LibreOffice is not verifiable. So, the question is, can
>> anyone collect LibreOffice data on their own and at any moment? I don't
>> think we are at the point where we can say yes to this. But, we should
>> definitely be working hard on this so that we can all have clarity on the
>> number of downloads and user numbers. Being able to verify numbers by all,
>> and, at any time (whether for our own use or for our competition to see)
>> serves us well in determining the health of our community.
> The problem is that numbers have a variety of statistical problems built
> in no matter the openness of the source. Multiple downloads, multi-boot
> systems, having both installed and using one primarily, source bias (distro
> shipping with LO not AOO for example). The problem is well beyond my very
> limited statistical literacy and judging from Rob Weir's comments my
> statistical competence is far greater than his.
> Rob's problem is that he confuses downloads with usage and implies that
> anyone who download statistics he can not supposedly verify is lying. He
> never answers the implicit question of why the TDF would lie about LO
> downloads or even want to lie about the statistics. My statistical
> background is from a manufacturing background but I see several lurking
> problems in anyone's statistics.
> Anyone who runs a small website will get various statistics from their
> host and they statistics can not be verified by someone like Rob. Is the
> host or website owner a liar when they report the statistics? Almost,
> always no because they have no reason to lie about their traffic. The TDF
> is in the same situation, the traffic is what the traffic is and the
> downloads are what they are. I would more interested in the trends of the
> both than the absolute numbers because that would be an indication of
> growth and future project health.
>> The author also uses the race horse analogy, "people would bet on the
>> fastest horse rather than the slow one" (paraphrased). While this may be
>> true, a new up-and-coming horse may get more support than a fast horse that
>> is obviously in decline.
>> IMO, we should not respond to his article and just let it die a slow
>> death, we should not give him the "soap box" that he is looking for. Anyone
>> with common sense can read the writing on the wall. Let's keep on our track
>> and not worry about such articles. It still doesn't stop us from reading
>> them and taking out what may be of value to us.
> Agreed, read them, discuss what we can learn from them and move on. In
> this case I would say the real problem is accurately determining actual
> usage from various raw download statistics for any FOSS project not just
> LO. A download does not mean regular user.
>> Cheers,
>> Marc
> --
> Jay Lozier
> --
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