Thanks Sophie;
I bookmarked the "translation" page so I would have it for later use.

95% of the population is covered by LO supported languages. Well, all of the smaller market ones could make up 10 to 50 times the current supported ones.

Of course, MSO does not support as many languages as LO does, and may never do. Packages like LO and other FOSS software are more in tune with the needs of its users than MS is, and has a process for it to be supported by new language through the language packs. Try to get MS to do that is like walking down the street and get handed a bank certified check for a million dollars. The check is more likely.

On 11/19/2012 04:28 PM, Sophie Gautier wrote:
On 19/11/2012 22:12, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
What languages are being worked on for LO - not listed on the download page
You'll find them here (almost) :
I showed it to a doctor and his non-English language was not listed.
Filipino - if I got it right.

I told him that there were other languages being worked on, but
currently 95% of the world population could use one on the currently
supported languages in the list.  His English is his primary language,
but his parents and other family members still use their native language
along with English.  So he uses it as well.
If he wants to read about l10n:
I could not believe that I was not compensated for my work with LO.  He
never heard of the FOSS movement and why people would volunteer their
time to developpackages like LO.


Kind regards

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