Hi Rob

Le 2012-11-20 09:04, Rob Snelders a écrit :
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Hi All,

As far as I think LibreOffice has a big shortage on Marketing, I don't
want to disrespect the marketing-team of LibreOffice, but I think
there are to few people doing marketing, and the tools they have are

I think we can make a huge jump forward with a Website that people can
update without HTML-skills and easily from a web-based back-end. I
don't know how to do that, as there are also people there needed.

- --
Rob Snelders

We do have a website for merketers ... the wiki[1] and yes we do need more marketing people who contribute. It is nice to get comments, which in itself is a form of contribution, but, we are in more need of any other type of contribution other than just plain discussion.

Here is a short list:

* go to the events calendar and if there is an event near you, ping us here and we will help you organize representation at the conference. * go through the items on the wiki marketing site. If there are any way to update any of the resources please help us. ping us here first before you do, so that we can keep track of these things * we are tracking media exposure to LibreOffice, you could update that page when these come up. Tom has been doing a great job at this, but needs help doing this. * I believe Tim would welcome help with the NA-DVD site and product, it is our EN version of LibreOffice that he maintains alone (I shamefully have to say that I have not been a great help there). * if you are good at wiki-text, our marketing wiki site needs redesign. Offer a design suggestion here for discussion * if you speak another language, or better yet, if you are part of a native language group, check with your nl group, they will need some marketing help for sure! We are in great need of this for the majority of the nl sites! * we are in dire need of design-marketers who are interested in helping designing brochures, leaflets, business cards etc. Especially designer who can have a rather quick turnaround with finished designs for the marketing team. * we need suggested strategies, especially from our US marketer, as to how they think they can move our brand with their local American zone. I have some especially very tedious and time consuming work for any American members who would like to do some data collection for specifically American marketing strategy ... and yes, this will be extremely boring work. Ping me if you are interested in boring work! [*smile*]

... ahem ... this is just the short list, off the top of my head.

We will try to update a "to-do" list for people to check. I am hoping to do some work on this after our next marketing meeting.

We have to work more as a team with a common purpose and also do less side-line commentaries.

Check out our wiki and look at every page that is on that section. You will then have a good idea of what we need or even come up with a newer strategy that we have not thought of.

In fact there is something for people to do, no matter how small the amount of time they are able to contribute. Just ping us and we will try to point you to something. Or let us know what you are good at, and, we will point you to the area that you would be most effective in marketing.



[1] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing

Marc Paré
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