Hi Marc,



Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil
Liberte-se, para editar textos, planilhas e apresentações
use http://pt-br.libreoffice.org/ é totalmente de graça.

Em 21-12-2012 13:05, Marc Paré escreveu:
Le 2012-12-21 04:39, Eliane Domingos de Sousa a écrit :
Hi Marc,

I'm very happy to know, I'm not a designer, but I believe the
communication is more effective when you illustrate.

Well, the designer is correct, but all the flyer that I prepare, I use
the file of this link:

I'm not sure, but I believe in something, in this file
the font is vegur and this font had a modification. There is a
difference between the new font and the old font. I have the new one
installed in my computer. I can see differences between logos.

The word LibreOffice and The Document Foundation are not converted in
curve, it would be better to do it.

I found in my computer a file converted in curve and I made a
modification in the flyer. See the new file:


Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Brazilian LibreOffice Community

Thanks! Looks much better! We could put this on our resources page as a template for future use. It is just nice for us to collect different options for marketing purposes.

BTW 1: When I download this file [https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/2/27/LibreOffice-Initial-Artwork-Logo.svg] (it is the link found in the "File history" section of the [https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:LibreOffice-Initial-Artwork-Logo.svg] page), Christoph Noack left 2 columns of logos;

* the first column is for "text as path"
* the second column is for "text with font" (installed)

If I understand this correctly, we would want to use the logos in the first column for most of our marketing needs as these do not need any fonts installed on computer. Am I reading this correctly?



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