
here's a status quo on the CeBIT:

- In the wiki at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/DE/CeBIT2013, there are still not many volunteers for staffing the booth.

- Costs are rather high this year, the current offer foresees approximately 4.000-5.000 € incl. booth construction, booth rental, fees and taxes, however, we'd need two. There are no sponsors on the horizon, but chances are we can have a shared booth with FrODeV, which I'd really appreciate.

- Shortly before CeBIT, LibreOffice 4.0 will be released. We desperately miss advertising materials, flyers, merchandise, which would be rather important to have.

In a nutshell, this is still a big construction site. Even if we invest the money - without people staffing the booth, and people working on the materials, it won't be a success.

We still have some time (CeBIT is mid-March), but I hope to get some contributors by calling out on this list. ;-)


Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
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