
As discussed during our various calls we have three layers of messaging
(aside nice graphical elements):
*  the PR itself, announcing the release
*  the features page, directly based on the release notes on the wiki
*  between 5 to 10 meta-features to be used as main elements for anyone
  checking out what the 4.0 is about. Basically these "meta - features"
  are pretty much the coolest features we have picked out of the
  release, and turn them not into specific and well described features,
  but rather solutions or ideas. We (a small group of active marketing
  team members) opened a wiki page, gathered what we thought were the
  top features (and before you ask, this IS subjective) and turn them
  into specific phrases, ideas, soundbites for the release. 

You can see the result there:
(aka Top Features) and we would like your input. Don't write ten more
features or ten different features, just tell us if you feel there's
something missing, or something sounds bad, or that we must have a hole
in our heads for not having picked this or that feature. 

Once this is done, we're shipping this as "prime content" to the
website team, and it will go to the 4.0 landing page. The deadline is
Monday 5 pm CET.


Charles-H. Schulz 
Co-founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint
Mobile Number: +33 (0)6 98 65 54 24.

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