On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Marc Paré <m...@marcpare.com> wrote:
>> Le 2013-11-12 09:50, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
>> The Owncloud storage was opened based  on a big  and loud demand during
>> the Milano Marketing session on a simple file storage service. The wiki
>> was deemed a PITA, hence we ended up with OwnCloud.

So a little backstory:

When we did the site redesign (for 4.0, IIRC), I procured a number of
source images of all-in-one computers under a permissive license and
wanted to put those in some shared space online (for the
Design/Website teams). When I tried to upload those files to the wiki,
I encountered a couple of different issues including
- The wiki couldn't consistently handle files 5MB+
- Image preview/thumbnails were flakey for larger images
- I had to upload one file at a time

I did a bit of digging for a while and, encouraged by Florian, tested
out a few options and finally decided that ownCloud was a pretty
decent option for storing a bunch of files in a shared space online.
Based on my notes, Florian put ownCloud into service. The application
wasn't perfect, but it had a pretty simple interface and allowed us to
upload even big files (100-200MB was no problem), so it suited our
immediate needs quite well.

We'd done some preliminary testing in the month leading up to the
Milan conference, but hadn't used the system very heavily. By chance,
Charles mentioned that Marketing really, REALLY wanted a simple system
to store files, and we told him that we had just the thing...

> This still seems to blur the lines of wiki and OwnCloud use. Are we still
> using the wiki for marketing work? I viewed the LibreOffice OwnCloud as a
> temporary file storage area where people would upload their work for the
> mailing list members to view, BUT, the wiki would remain as our official
> file repository tool. Or are we now changing this? If we are, this would
> have a large impact on marketing, design and documentation. We store a lot
> of docs on our wiki.

Good questions!

I largely see ownCloud as a general-purpose place to store "stuff" for
the project. This includes drafts and papers and images and videos,
big files related to particular bug reports, and basically anything
that we want to share with one another. I generally view the wiki in
the same way.

I know that there are a few things that are a bit more formal on the
wiki, like the Trademark and Branding guidelines:

Those wiki pages are a couple of things that I think might more
appropriate live on a separate website or in a separate namespace to
help demarcate them as being Policy pages, rather than a part of the
anyone-can-edit wiki space.

> BUT, the wiki would remain as our official
> file repository tool.

So where would you suggest different families of files live?

I think we all see a difference between
computer_image_file_01_of_20.jpg and
finished-draft-of-whitepaper_rtryon.pdf. Thinking off the top of my
head, one option would be to put all of the source files and drafts of
papers/presentations on ownCloud, and then copy just the final
versions of files to....somewhere (I'm reticent to say the wiki).

I believe the way that Documentation handles things is to put all
drafts up into a common folder (ala ownCloud) and then final versions
get published in various places (including on the website and on the
wiki). Would it make sense for Marketing to push final versions of
documents up to
libreoffice.org/marketing/{whitepapers|presentations|(etc..)}/ ? That
could be our way of saying "we consider these documents to be
polished, final versions."


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