On 02/21/2014 06:04 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Article title says it all. You can find it here:


Not sure if we need to post a rebuttal argument in the response section or retaliate with an article disputing MS arguments.



When I read the article I got the sense of MS FUD claiming that people "need" proprietary MS formats to be efficient. Reading between the lines I also sensed that MS is very concerned about losing the European market to FOSS and open standards/formats. If national governments move away from MS, those doing business with the government are likely to follow and this will percolate country wide. If European governments and businesses are hostile to MS this will have an effect on international businesses.

Ultimately MS faces two choices: adopt open standards/formats and open source their products or face resistance due to people, companies, and governments believing they are doing the bidding of the US NSA.

Jay Lozier

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