On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster
<webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:
> On 04/04/2014 09:18 AM, Robinson Tryon wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 9:09 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster
>> <webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:
>>> There is a formatting issue with "Proposal_LibOConf2014_Template_mix.odp"
>>> using 4.2.2.x on Linux Mint 16.  If that text/graphics formatting issue
>>> was
>>> fixed, then it would be my favorite.
> No idea about a bug, but when I displayed it, the text of some of the frames
> was in the background under some of the graphics.  The other templates did
> not have that.  I do not know if it was due to the background color/image,
> but it was just there.  I could send someone the screen clip of these
> frames, if wanted.
> As I stated, I am running 4.2.2.x on Linux Mint 16. [currently for testing
> until Ubuntu 14.04 comes out]
> Also it is only an issue with this template.  I have not tried it with LO
> 4.2.1 or 4.1.5 to see if it is an issue with them.

Direct link:

I see problems on every version of LO I test:
Confirmed on 3.5.7,,, 4.3 daily (march 29) in both
editing and presentation modes.

Slide 1:
  * No problems

Slide 2:
  * Text "Default Slide Example" appears to be hiding in the upper-left logo
  * Bullets are shifted down, and have some weird spacing before
"being the basis"

Slide 3:
  * More text-behind-shapes

But perhaps these are just some editing issues? Looking more closely
at the file, it doesn't resemble the screenshots on the wiki -- it
seems to be a garbled version of the template for Berlin 2012. Do
you think the files might have gotten mixed-up before upload?


P.S. For reference, here's the template linked from the Berlin 2012
page; I've no issues opening up this file:

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