Hello Tim,

Le 15.05.2014 15:30, Kracked_P_P---webmaster a écrit :
On 05/15/2014 03:43 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Hello Tim,

Le 14.05.2014 22:22, Kracked_P_P---webmaster a écrit :
I read this article this morning.

Interesting article.
Since it comes from CNN Money, it might help with some marketing
issues that could creep up from time to time.

It tells about the trend of major software companies "selling"
software to their users that are really only Beta versions.

LO does do offer "true Beta" version to the users, but we do have the
two lines so our "Fresh" version, even though not a beta version, will
hopefully tell our users that it is not "completely free of bugs".

Other companies seem to be actually selling beta software as is they
were not betas at all.


http://money.cnn.com/2014/05/13/technology/innovation/beta-testing/index.html Innovation Nation

The end of polished and perfect software

By Adrian Covert  @CNNTech May 13, 2014: 8:21 AM ET

This trend is not new at all and that's pretty much what a lot of companies and even FOSS projects do these days. I would not say it is the best way to grow our user base but it certainly can help. However let me stress again that our Fresh branch is not beta quality. We do have betas and Release Candidates that we'd like to talk about more, as it helps attracting more testers, thus creating more feedback. It also help organizations interested in migrating test the software in advance. Note that betas exist in our two branches, but we should communicate more on betas as well.



LO does do offer "true Beta" version
should have read
LO does not offer "true Beta" version

okay, but that's a factually wrong statement :-)

"does do offer" is not correct combo in any way I can think of.  My
typing skills have been off these past months and I rely on my email
client to help find issues.

I know the Fresh line is not a beta line, but it still is one that is
not as "stable" or bug free as it would be once it gets to the x.x.4
or x.x.5 version of that line.

The meaning I wanted to take, was that there are a lot of software
companies out there that offer "beta" software without telling their
users.  LO offers two lines and give users an option on what version
they want to use.  The "more stable" version and the "fresher"
version.  We do need some GOOD marketing language that explains these
lines better than what I have seen/read.

I do agree. And keep in mind that at this stage, the tag "stable" is very much in test. We have noticed it is somewhat misleading, as users come back to us (users list, blogs, tweets, etc.) and tell us: "so that's the stable version then, what's the other one for?" We may end up changing that tag sooner rather than later. But as you know, marketing is far from being an exact science.

It is really hard to explain to most local users why we have two lines
and what the difference.  Most of the software that they look at do
not offer a two "line" option.  Maybe we could get some text that
could be placed in a "brochure" to help local marketers with this

Sure, but I disagree with you about the two lines. How come MS still offers two version of Microsoft office (MSO 2013 and MSO 2010)? Are users equally confused?

The fact that now there is a CNN article telling people that there are
companies "knowingly" give users beta software as a "final release"
version is something that really should not be done.  LO does not do
this type of thing.

Well, let's be very careful here. If companies do this, it is on their sole responsibility. I frankly do not see TDF doing that, ever. But, since these are office suites, and not airliners, nor trains or cars, we can also safely distribute LibreOffice beta versions, with a very clear language stating that's it should not be meant for production use but that we are happy to give a preview and welcome feedback and bug reports.



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