Hello Community,

The next LibreOffice e-magazine edition will be published late December
2015. The editors have widen the scope of languages of the and are now
accepting papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English. If you want to
write for the magazine about LibreOffice or Open Source Software
(tutorials, migration cases, achievements and tips), please submit your
paper until December 4 to reda...@libreoffice.org.

Your paper must be in the Open Document Format and it must contain your
picture and a small resumé. We will not accept any other format.

If you want to advertise an OSS event in our e-magazine, please send a
PNG or JPG file with 100DPI minimum resolution before December 4 to
revi...@libreoffice.org. Ask us for advertisement dimensions. OSS events
advertisements are free of charge and are at editors discretion to
publish it or not.

LibreOffice magazine past and present editions are availabe at


Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Comunidade LibreOffice Brasil
Membro do Conselho Diretor da TDF
Brazilian LibreOffice Community
TDF Member of the Board of Directors
Experimente o sistema de perguntas e respostas da Comunidade LibreOffice 

EDX Coworking & Business Club
Seu espaço de trabalho e negócios no centro do Rio de Janeiro

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