Totally Agree!
millions of votes

Awareness should start in schools!
Catch them young

On Sun, 2019-01-27 at 14:36 +0000, Aquila Msiza wrote:
> Hi I’m Daniel,
> I have been using LibreOffice for a while and would like to
> contribute towards it reaching as many people as possible. I think
> awareness of its existence, the values it stands for and what it
> offers are a good starting point. The whitespace I see in this area
> are the many non-tech affine guys and gals who don’t know about
> LibreOffice. Although I’m not a stranger to the technology-world, I
> myself didn’t know much about LibreOffice until recently when a
> friend of mine, who studies IT, introduced me to the LibreOffice
> Suite. (I was contemplating with the idea of buying the Microsoft
> Suite)
> One of the many groups we can target are students. Many students buy
> the Microsoft Office Suite because they see this as a necessity in
> order to be able to do their work and are not aware of other
> alternatives. (or think the alternatives are too difficult to use)
> Usually for these non-tech affine people it’s “tedious” getting to
> adjust to new software and therefore they make the ‘simplest’ choice
> of buying what their already familiar with.
> Many don’t know about the LibreOffice option and I can assure you
> many don’t even need half the capabilities of LibreOffice – not to
> mention Microsoft Office – to complete their tertiary work.
> I think by acquiring and familiarizing  many students while their in
> universities (maybe expanding later on to schools), their able to
> accustom themselves to the software very early. Unlike other target
> groups, students are usually more diverse and interact usually on
> average with more individuals than other target groups. My point is a
> product that is free and offers value can start to spread like wild
> fire.
> But for that to happen, first its capabilities and the fact that it
> exists have to be known.
> .....
> ....
> Amongst many other pros in acquiring this target market, when we can
> convey our values and visions, such as creating a software free for
> all [insert values bla bla ]  authentically, we recruit many
> volunteers, who will be willing to help some-how in the LibreOffice
> community. I really believe this is true, as they’ll realise the pure
> value we offer in return for ‘nothing’.
> ....
> How to get there...
> I looked at the different outlets LibreOffice has and  Instagram
> wasn’t one of them. At the current moment in 2019 to reach the
> desired group of people and many other groups, we have to look at
> where the current attention is placed. Instagram and snapchat (not to
> mention facebook, although the organic reach is decreasing there) is
> where the attention is. ......
> I propose in creating an Instagram account whether we start small (
> native to the place i.e LibreOffice_US) or we create an HQ-account
> (i.e LibreOffice)
> .......
> Amongst other proposals is to create a video asking if their having
> problems paying for their new office suite [bla bla bla]
> Sent from Mail<> for
> Windows 10

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