Someone on wrote:

“Lately, in LibreOffice I get a nag window on top asking me to get involved. Are you trying to become obnoxious windows-like software? How do I get rid of that thing?” This succinct post is very revealing, and perfectly mirrors my own initial and ongoing impressions.

First, note the user perception of this new “feature”. It is classified as naggy. It is not seen as a legitimate request for help, but as an untargeted and intrusive irritant.

Secondly, it is totally unwanted. This user terms it as obnoxious, and references the disrespectful and heavy-handed Windows attitude that has driven so many of us to FOSS in the first place.

And that all leads to the obvious reaction of “how can I never see this again.” Seeing it once is already too much, and every 90 days is not an improvement.

Do we really want to market LibreOffice as yet another piece of unprofessional[1] beggarware? Everyone already acknowledges that “GetInvolved” irritates us, but now imagine the scenario where someone has donated to LibreOffice and a week later the donate message pops up! That will feel extremely offensive!

Having places (like help - get involved/donate/about) where the user can discover and actively seek out ways to support LibreOffice is fine, but intentionally irritating the user base is sure to back-fire. Please, let us remove the infobar advertisements before they cause too much damage.


Justin - volunteer developer, promoter, user-support  (who is damaged in each of these capacities by this adware), and self-appointed end-user advocate.

[1] It is completely unprofessional. Speaking about the “get involved” pop-up, Michael Meeks writes that “No vendor (or in-house team) providing an actually supported version would show this to their users”.

P.S. Sorry for not realizing that the ESC decision to remove GetInvolved from 6.1.5 Stable should have been confirmed by other bodies before being acted on.

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