Hi Thorsten,

On 15/01/2020 15:03, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

> Thx for that feedback! I'll look into it - there's no good reason
> LibreOffice from the store shouldn't have the same number of languages
> than from libreoffice.org.

I checked by myself by buying the app on the MS Store and installing it
on a fresh Windows 10 Pro 1909 (November update) VM. I can confirm only
English (South-Africa, UK, and USA) and German (Germany) are being
installed. :/

> Yes, that's on purpose. We're currently offering _one_ version there,
> and there's still quite a few users only able to run 32bit software.

Any technical reason to this? I have reread the doc and it implies that
the app can only contain one bitness as Target Processor Architecture.
If we want 64 and 32bit support, we need to define 64-bit and bundle the
32 bit version in it as well.

This is how I actually understood the concept with this sentence which
may be a bit unclear though: `If the Target Processor Architecture for
your app is x64 processor type, the app package must contain x64 binary
or image type files. Note that in this case the package can also include
x86 files, but the primary app experience should utilize the x64 binary` [1]

I don't know whether specifying Target Processor Architecture to 64 bit
is only limiting to 64 bit devices...

*But*, unless I'm wrong, with the bunch of the users I helped via the
LibreOfficeFR twitter account via TeamViewer, I never saw a Windows 10 S
in a 32 bit variant. In my opinion, Windows 10 S has been built for 64
bit chips only IMHO, so supporting 32 bit *seems* irrelevant here.

Unless we are supporting the MS Store from Windows 8.1?

> Heh - that's the initial release date of the product - the version
> currently available is; is sadly stuck in the review
> queue.

Ok this is indeed a limitation of the MS Store. I can confirm this is
indeed version that is installed on my side. Unless I'm blind,
the latest version available can only be seen *after the installation*.
How stupid is that? ;(

> With regard to general feedback - I wonder how the community would
> feel about various options, e.g. directing users to askbot, or
> bugzilla, or telegram? Clearly twitter is not a scalable way to file
> bug reports. ;)

Indeed Twitter isn't a bug reporting tool, but is great to catch
attention and redirect the end user to the right team/instance :).

So to your question, I would say redirecting to language specific Ask
instances without hesitation. Telegram and especially Bugzilla are out
of range for common users IMHO.



William Gathoye
Hyper<hack>tive volunteer for LibreOffice
Proud member of The Document Foundation
Member of LaMouette - French based association promoting ODF and LibreOffice

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