
does anyone know, how to save text in PD-Format?
It seems to be quite valuable ...

Armin Menzel

Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Translation in French
Datum: 2020-03-26T01:03:58+0100
Von: "William Gathoye (LibreOffice)" <william.gath...@libreoffice.org>
An: "Cor Nouws" <cor.no...@collabora.com>

On 21/03/2020 17:11, Cor Nouws wrote:
> You should have received a mail for an account in our WP.

Account created and played a bit with your WP account area :)

I have just noticed you only have enabled German and Spanish into
Polylang. I'll wait for you to enable French then :)

> Wonderful to have you involved a bit in our team :)!

Haha. Yet another project I'm active in, I would say :D

> Wrt translating the text for the app-store, here it is:
>  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.collabora.libreoffice

There isn't much text in the store links.

Maybe sending the sources of the picture assets you defined on the store
pages would allow me to change directly the text layers and/or do copy
pastes from my Android and iOS devices.

I have already a drop-only folder ready for you in the LibreOfficeFR
user group[1] :)

> You can simple send the translation here, if you have time to do it. Thanks!

Sure. This week is devoted to my LibreOffice catchup any way [2] :)

[1] https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/ietywkmdxwJMMAW
[2] https://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/marketing/msg11127.html

William Gathoye
Hyper<hack>tive volunteer for LibreOffice
Proud member of The Document Foundation
Member of LaMouette - French based association promoting ODF and LibreOffice

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