Hi Laurent, tomorrow we are announcing LibreOffice 7.0, so Mike and me
are overburdened with last minute tasks. LibreOffice release notes are
another good place to start, as providing tutorials about new features
might also be a good idea. Ask is a good location, but there are many
questions which are really basic or too niche, and are not interesting
for the majority of users. What about having a look at these resources
and then have a chat with Mike and me ASAP? Best, Italo

On 8/4/20 10:54 PM, Laurent Duperval wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I can do some tips and small articles. Is there a list of the most
> requested examples? Or is the best location ask.libreoffice.org and pick
> something?
> L
> On 2020-08-04 08:32, Mike Saunders wrote:
>> Hi Laurent,
>> On 04/08/2020 13:46, Laurent Duperval wrote:
>>> I am a certified content writer, I'm working on building my copywriting
>>> chops, and I can put some of that knowledge to use here.
>> Great to have you on board, and thanks for offering to help!
>>> What I can do:
>>>   * Case studies: talk to people who have had success with LibreOffice
>>>     and write a compelling story.
>>>   * Articles and blog posts.
>> We'd certainly like to have more content on The Document Foundation's
>> blog:
>> https://blog.documentfoundation.org
>> Tips and tricks for using LibreOffice, and small tutorials, would be
>> great. Italo and I oversee the marketing community at TDF, and would
>> like to write more articles about using LibreOffice, but also have
>> plenty of other tasks to focus on :-)
>>>   * Sales copy if you ever get to that.
>> Recently, we've been focusing on LibreOffice as a project and community,
>> and not just a free office suite (although, of course, that is the end
>> result). Getting more users is good, but it doesn't help if we have 1
>> billion users and nobody's contributing.
>> So we really want to spread the word: LibreOffice is about way more than
>> just software. It's community, knowledge, and giving people powerful
>> tools in as many languages as possible. It's also about freeing people
>> from vendor lock-in (ie not being tied to MS Office and .docx files
>> forever).
>> I've been doing regular interviews on the blog:
>> https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/category/interviews/
>> See what you think! And thanks again for offering to help :-)
>> Mike

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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hangout/jabber italo.vign...@gmail.com - skype italovignoli
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